Rebello's Towing Services for all your Private Property Towing needs. We use State of the art equipment. Over 50 Years of Experience.
Who Qualifies for Private Towing
What is required to perform private property towing (PPT)? My background includes retirement in 1990 after 25 years property management experience with qualifications including Certified Property Manager (CPM #6131), and California Association of Community Managers (CACM #442). Currently, I am an owner of a PPT towing company and a sitting member of the California Tow Truck Association Legislative Committee that participated in the legislative process that rewrote the new CVC 22658, PPT laws effective January 1, 2007.
Transparency in Towing
Vehicle Owners Rights And Responsibilities:
AB 519, Solorio: “Towing Fees and Access Notice”New law signed by Governor Schwarzenegger September 30, 2010 to go into effect January 1, 2011. An act to amend Section 3068.1 of the Civil Code, and add Section 22651.07 to the Vehicle Code.
It’s the Season for Paving
Every spring property managers check their maintenance lists, and each 3 to 5 years they find it is time to seal coat and restripe the parking area once the temperature gets over 60 degrees. Be prepared for this routine that an important objective is to have the parking areas ready for work without having to tow your residents’ cars to get them out of the way.
When is PPT Protected by Law
Every property manager understands that before a contractor can perform work they need to verify their business license, contractor’s license, W-9, certification of liability and workers compensation insurance, and signed job contract.
Guide to Selection of Tow Company
This guide will assist property management with investigationand selection of qualified private property towing companies. What is required to perform private property towing (PPT)? My background includes retirement in 1990 after 25 years property management experience.
Collaboration with Towing
No one can deny there are good ways to use towing: When someone is using the parking lot to make drug deals does not like to see the tow trucks; the eyesoars like stripped and dump stolen cars can be removed quickly and do not consume valuable parking spaces. Parking problems deteriorate the value and usability of property by creating a nuisance, unnecessarily consuming parking spaces.
Towing is a Good Thing
Law Holds Property Manager “HARMLESS”
Management’s collaboration with towing provides obscure benefits: With towing, stored vehicles don’t diminish property values; abandoned vehicles don’t become an attractive nuisance; drug dealers may get towed before they complete the transaction; red-lights residents don’t have customer parking.
Property Management
We meet with you on the property to review handicap and fire lane markings, the location and number of required signs, and the value of parking permits and how they work with our services. We review our contract with you and answer questions on california and local regulatory laws. We also prepare, deliver, and install aluminum signs with vinyl lettering within a few days.